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Industry Embraces Microsoft Internet Information Server
Server Manufacturers, Software Developers, Solution Providers and Corporations
Announce Support of World Wide Web Server

REDMOND, Wash. - Feb. 12, 1996 -Nearly all the leading PC server manufacturers, at least 50 independent software vendors (ISVs), thousands of Microsoft Solution Providers, several Fortune 500 companies and top Internet "Web masters" announced deployment and support of Microsoft® Internet Information Server (IIS), introduced today.

Microsoft Corp.'s Web server, available immediately at no charge to users of the World Wide Web, allows customers to deploy Web sites on the Internet and within corporate networks, or "intranets." According to Microsoft, the breadth of companies supporting IIS represents the industry's largest mobilization around a Web server at launch.

Major PC Server Manufacturers Announce Support

Among the leading PC server vendors announcing support for IIS are ALR, Compaq Computer Corp., Dell Computer Corp., Digital Equipment Corp., Gateway 2000, Hewlett-Packard Co., IBM Corp., Intergraph Corp., Motorola Inc., NCR Corp., NEC Technologies Inc., Packard Bell, Unisys Corp. and Zenith Data Systems. Collectively, these manufacturers represent nearly all PC-processor-based servers shipped. Names of additional OEMs are available by contacting Microsoft.

"HP believes the Internet Information Server is the killer application that the industry has been searching for in the '90s, as businesses use the interconnected WorkGroups for intranet and Internet solutions," said Duane Zitzner, general manager of HP's personal information products group. "HP is demonstrating its commitment to fully support its customers by partnering with the channel to offer worldwide consulting and support services for Microsoft's Internet solutions."

"The Microsoft Internet server product integrates Internet technology with the Windows® environment, establishing a new platform for Internet applications - one that clearly addresses the needs of the vast majority of computer users," said Robert Bismuth, vice president for the Microsoft/Digital Alliance for Enterprise Computing. "Digital designed its award-winning Prioris Intel and Alpha systems specifically to run Windows NT™ and now, thanks to Microsoft's bold move to include IIS as part of its Windows NT Server distribution kit, Digital can deliver the industry's best, cost-effective Internet services and clients in configurations spanning the needs of small businesses, large enterprises and Internet service providers."

"Microsoft Internet Information Server offers significant benefits in developing applications for the Internet," said Gary Stimac, senior vice president and general manager, Compaq systems division. "These benefits include ease-of-use, integration with Windows NT Server, support for all key Internet standards, and powerful performance capabilities. These attributes, combined with the new Web server capabilities developed by Microsoft, will help generate many new Web applications. As a result, our joint customers running Microsoft IIS on Compaq servers can dramatically enhance the way they work, exchange information, and conduct business commerce."

More than 50 third-party developers have already announced plans to deliver ISAPI-based applications. Today, 5 million developers for the Windows operating system can use their existing experience, knowledge and tools to create the new generation of Web applications. IIS includes the open Internet Server API (ISAPI) extension to the Win32® API, which is up to five times faster than computer graphics interface (CGI)-based applications.

"Enterprises rapidly deploying Web servers need a reliable, robust Internet infrastructure. Now they have one," said Charles B. Wang, chairman and CEO of Computer Associates International Inc.

Channel Ready for Microsoft Internet Information Server

Microsoft Solution Providers and more than 40 Authorized Training and Education Centers (ATECs) are also backing IIS. Microsoft expects to qualify up to 1,000 Microsoft Solution Provider organizations on Internet products during the next three months. Additionally, IIS will be carried and supported by the largest software distributors and service organizations. Web consulting services will be available from Hewlett-Packard, Digital, and thousands of additional independent consultants.

Companies of all sizes, including GTE, Home Shopping Network, Owens-Corning, Judds Magazines, Alameda Newspaper Group and USA Network/Sci-Fi Channel, are deploying IIS. The ease of use, performance and simple development of Web applications are cited as the reasons these corporations selected Windows NT Server and IIS over UNIX® and NetScape™ Web solutions.

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (NASDAQ "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in software for personal computers. The company offers a wide range of products and services for business and personal use, each designed with the mission of making it easier and more enjoyable for people to take advantage of the full power of personal computing every day.

Microsoft, Windows NT, Windows and Win32 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.

UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd.

NetScape is a trademark of NetScape Communications Corp.

For Online Product Information:

Internet Information Server Web site: //